Nice work there. :)
I love that crystal-type sound you have in the song. Really, there doesn't seem to be anything out of place in my opinion. It's basically like a glitchy song, but not as much as the others. I like the melody in this one... it's a bit slower than your others, which gives a break from the usually faster upbeat tunes you have. One of the cool effects I notice you put was that of the lower bass pitch to the higher bass pitch with the fading. You know what I mean? That's something that was probably difficult to do. I think what could make the song better is the ending. It kind of ended with just a fade-out. Just my opinion, maybe you could hit it with a BAM type of thing. Where towards the end it would sound soft, then the sound would build up and end with a heavy bass drum. Just a thought. Although the ending to this was fine, since it is a calmer song than your others. Good job on it! I wish I had more time for making music. :( With all the time doing work and being with girlfriend, bills, whatever, but I'm gonna try to work whenever on my music. You inspire me to do more, heh. Keep it coming bro!